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Application Case | Effective Use of Advanced Door Lock Systems in Industrial Settings

Application Case | Effective Use of Advanced Door Lock Systems in Industrial Settings

In today's industrial production environment, the safety of equipment and personnel is of the utmost importance. A major chemical company has installed several pieces of equipment with high operational risks in its production facility. To guarantee the safety of personnel, the company has implemented a cutting-edge safety door locking system. This system prevents unauthorized individuals from entering the hazardous area and swiftly isolates the danger in case of an emergency.
Safety Interlock Switch Project Requirements
The production environment of chemical enterprises has extremely rigorous requirements for safety door locks. The specific requirements are as follows:
1. The system must provide high security to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering high-risk areas.
2. The system must be able to lock or unlock quickly in the event of an emergency.
3. The device must be capable of operating reliably for extended periods in challenging environments, including high temperatures, high humidity, and corrosive conditions.
4. The product is designed for straightforward integration. The system is designed for seamless integration with existing security control systems, allowing for easy management and monitoring.
Safety Interlock Switch Solution Design
We selected a high-security electromagnetic door locking system that aligns with the customer's requirements and offers the following features:
1. In the event of an emergency, the emergency switch can be pressed to rapidly unlock the door, facilitating the safe evacuation of personnel.
2. The door lock features an anti-vandalism design that resists external damage and illegal intrusion.
3. The product is highly environmentally adaptable. The shell is made of anticorrosive materials, and the internal electronic components are specially treated to enable stable operation in harsh environments.
In terms of system integration, we have designed an interface between the security door lock and the existing security control system of the enterprise to ensure a timely response in any situation.
Safety Switch Devices
Interlock Switch
OX-W2|The Safety Interlock Switches with locking function|DADISICK
Factory packaging1 Safety Locking and 2 Keys accessories, cable
Lock material: metal
Outputs: 4 sets of gold plated contacts
Tensile strength when locked: locking force 1300N
Contact type: 14 contact combinations
Optional back unlocking function: indicator light+emergency unlocking
The safety door switch with locking function can ensure that the safety protection device door and other protective covers remain in a safe state even if the dangerous state is not eliminated. High strength wear-resistant engineering plastic with built-in 304 stainless steel components. Forced mechanical interlocking self detection structure with extremely high reliability
Safety Switch Implementation Process
During the implementation process, we conducted a comprehensive safety assessment of the production plant and determined the optimal location for installing the safety door locks. Subsequently, the installation was carried out in accordance with the design specifications to guarantee that each door lock could effectively cover high-risk areas.
During the commissioning phase, we conducted comprehensive functional tests on each door lock, including double authentication tests, emergency switch tests, and anti-vandalism tests. All test results met the design requirements and demonstrated consistent performance in multiple tests.
During the system integration process, we collaborated closely with the client's IT department to guarantee seamless integration of the door lock system with the existing security control system. Additionally, we provided operator training to ensure familiarity with the new system and emergency procedures.
Safety Switch Project Results
Following the implementation and testing phases, the security door locking system has demonstrably enhanced the safety performance of the production plant. Please find specific results listed below:
1.The security system has resulted in a 95% reduction in unauthorized access incidents, effectively protecting personnel and equipment.
2.The system has also demonstrated an improvement in response speed, with emergency response times reduced to within five seconds. This has led to a notable enhancement in the efficiency of emergency response.
3.The door locks have been proven to operate reliably in high temperatures, high humidity, and corrosive environments over an extended period of time.
4.Operators have commended the new system for its user-friendliness and reliability.
Throughout the project's implementation, we collaborated closely with the client's IT department and operators to guarantee seamless integration and optimal utilization of the system. Additionally, we provided recommendations for enhancements, including further optimization of the door lock authentication speed and improvement of tamper resistance to accommodate more complex security requirements.
The implementation of this project has demonstrated the effectiveness of enhanced security door locking technology in improving safety and operational efficiency on the production floor. This not only ensures the safety of operators, but also effectively reduces damage to equipment and downtime. Going forward, our continued focus will be on the development of security technology, the exploration of additional application scenarios, and the provision of safer and more efficient solutions to our customers.
Hot Sale Safety Switches
OX-W2|The Safety Interlock Switches with locking function|DADISICK
Used for monitoring places such as safety doors and windows.
OX-D2/OX-D3|The Safety Interlock Switches with locking function|DADISICK
Used for monitoring places such as safety doors and windows.
OX-W3|The Safety Interlock Switches with locking function|DADISICK
Used for monitoring places such as safety doors and windows.
OX-W5|The Safety Interlock Switch with locking function|DADISICK
Safety door switch providing robust security and reliable access control. Protecting your facility and employees.

Компания DADISICK всегда была привержена высококачественным продуктам датчиков безопасности, уделяя особое внимание технологическим исследованиям и разработкам, а также инновациям в области продукции. Наша продукция широко используется в таких отраслях, как автоматическое оборудование, машиностроение, автомобилестроение и производство электроники, помогая снизить уровень несчастных случаев на производстве и обеспечить безопасность сотрудников. Мы продолжаем внедрять новые продукты, которые отвечают требованиям рынка, обеспечивая поддержку безопасности производства на предприятии.

*Услуги по замене: На высококонкурентном рынке предприятиям необходимо постоянно совершенствовать свою продукцию, чтобы сохранить долю рынка. Мы предоставляем услуги по замене датчиков безопасности.

*Улучшение или корректировка линеек продуктов: Когда компания выходит на новые рынки или меняет фокус, ей может потребоваться доработать свою линейку продуктов. Мы предлагаем датчики безопасности и техническую поддержку для этого перехода.

*Автоматизация промышленности Контролируйте состояние работы оборудования, оперативно останавливайте или корректируйте действия машины для обеспечения безопасности производственного процесса.

*Машиностроение. Мониторинг механических компонентов движения, предотвращение потенциальных опасностей, обеспечение безопасности сотрудников и бесперебойной работы производственной линии.

*Безопасность в автомобильном производстве: мониторинг высокорисковых процессов на сборочных линиях автомобилей, повышение безопасности работников и эффективности производства.

*Химическая промышленность Мониторинг производственной среды в режиме реального времени, обеспечение безопасности при обращении с токсичными и опасными веществами.

*Пищевая промышленность и производство напитков Контролируйте работу оборудования производственной линии, предотвращайте загрязнение пищевых продуктов и образование отходов.

*Логистика и складирование Используется для навигации AGV и обхода препятствий, обеспечивает безопасную транспортировку грузов.

*В деревообрабатывающей, текстильной, бумажной, полиграфической, резиновой и пластмассовой промышленности, а также в других отраслях датчики безопасности используются для контроля различных производственных процессов, обеспечивая безопасность и эффективность.

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